解算器 诊断 辅助器 解算器 参考 面板 Physics ‣ Soft Body ‣ Solver The settings in the Soft Body Solver panel determine the accuracy of the simulation. 最小步阶尺寸 Minimum simulation steps per...
迭代器协议 迭代器协议 迭代器有两个函数。 int PyIter_Check (PyObject *o) 返回 true , 如果对象 o 支持迭代器协议的话。 PyObject PyIter_Next (PyObject **o) Return value: New reference. Return the next value f...
扬声器 选项 声音 播放时间 距离 锥形 扬声器 扬声器对象。 The speaker object is used to give sound in the 3D Viewport. After adding the object, the various settings can be changed in the Properti...