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  • 后端 Backend

    Keras 后端 什么是 「后端」? 从一个后端切换到另一个后端 keras.json 详细配置 使用抽象 Keras 后端编写新代码 后端函数 epsilon set_epsilon floatx set_floatx cast_to_floatx image_data_format set_image_data_format get...
  • 卷积神经网络(CNN)

    卷积神经网络(CNN) 使用Keras实现卷积神经网络 使用Keras中预定义的经典卷积神经网络结构 卷积神经网络(CNN) 卷积神经网络 (Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)是一种结构类似于人类或动物的 视觉系统 的人工神经网络,包含一个或多个卷积层(Convolutional Layer)、池化层(Poo...
  • 基础示例:多层感知机(MLP)

    基础示例:多层感知机(MLP) 数据获取及预处理: tf.keras.datasets 模型的构建: tf.keras.Model 和 tf.keras.layers 模型的训练: tf.keras.losses 和 tf.keras.optimizer 模型的评估: tf.keras.metrics 基础示例:多层感知机(MLP) 我们从编...
  • 推理部署

    推理部署 飞桨推理产品简介 推理部署 飞桨推理产品简介 作为飞桨生态重要的一部分,飞桨提供了多个推理产品,完整承接深度学习模型应用的最后一公里。 整体上分,推理产品主要包括如下子产品 名称 英文表示 适用场景 飞桨原生推理库 Paddle Inference 高性能服务器端、云端推理 飞桨服务化推理框架 Paddle ...
  • Home

    Highly scalable and standards based Why KServe KServe Components Single Model Serving ModelMesh Model Explainability Model Monitoring Advanced deployments Adopters Hig...
  • Reports with CrateDB and Power BI Desktop

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • CrateDB with R

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • Data Enrichment using IoT Hubs, Azure Functions and CrateDB

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • Data Ingestion using Kafka and Kafka Connect

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • Distributed Machine Learning At The Edge

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...