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  • Snap to Symmetry

    74 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Snap to Symmetry Snap to Symmetry Reference Mode: Edit Mode Menu: Mesh ‣ Snap to Symmetry The Snap to Symmetry tool lets you snap a mesh vertices to their mirrored neighbor...
  • State aggregates

    State aggregates Notes on state_agg and timeline_agg Hyperfunctions State aggregates functions State aggregates This section includes functions used to measure the time spent...
  • Alpha

    Alpha 修改器 通用选项 类型 Alpha In this tab you control the alpha (transparency) of your strokes. Line Style: Alpha. Base Transparency The base alpha for this line style. 修改器...
  • 摄像机

    摄像机 正交相机 摄像机 我们前面已经使用过layer上自带的透视相机,实际上,我们还可以创建并使用新的相机。 const vertex = /* glsl */ ` attribute vec2 uv ; attribute vec3 position ; uniform mat4 model...
  • colors

    Imports Types Consts Procs Templates Source Edit This module implements color handling for Nim, namely color mixing and parsing the CSS color names. Imports strutil...
  • Shaders style guide

    Shaders style guide Formatting Encoding and special characters Indentation Line breaks and blank lines Blank lines Line length One statement per line Comment spacing Whitesp...
  • TypeScript 2.2

    Support for Mix-in classes First some terminology Putting all of the above rules together in an example object type Support for new.target Example Better checking for null/un...
  • Godot shader language style guide

    Godot shader language style guide Formatting Encoding and special characters Indentation Line breaks and blank lines Blank lines Line length One statement per line Comment sp...
  • TypeScript 2.2

    Support for Mix-in classes First some terminology Putting all of the above rules together in an example object type Support for new.target Example Better checking for null ...
  • Godot shader language style guide

    Godot shader language style guide Formatting Encoding and special characters Indentation Line breaks and blank lines Blank lines Line length One statement per line Comment sp...