书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 16925 个相关结果.
  • Use and manage variables

    Use and manage variables Use dashboard variables Link to dashboards with variables defined in the URL Predefined dashboard variables v.timeRangeStart v.timeRangeStop v.windowPe...
  • 反向代理

    通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 操作步骤 第 1 步:获取实际 TiDB Dashboard 地址 第 2 步:配置反向代理 自定义路径前缀 第 1 步:修改 PD 配置指定 TiDB Dashboard 服务路径前缀 第 2 步:修改反向代理配置 下一步 通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 你可以使用反向代理...
  • Creating dashboards

    Creating dashboards Getting familiar with the UI Defining terminology Creating a dashboard and adding an existing visualization Creating visualizations Adding subsequent panels...
  • 安全

    提高 TiDB Dashboard 安全性 提高 TiDB 用户安全性 为 root 用户设置强密码 为 TiDB Dashboard 创建最小权限用户 使用防火墙阻止不可信访问 如何在多 PD 实例部署时开放 TiDB Dashboard 端口访问 反向代理仅代理 TiDB Dashboard 为反向代理开启 TLS 其他建议的安全措施 ...
  • Organization preferences

    Organization preferences Change Grafana name and email Change organization name Grafana Server Admin change organization name Organization Admin change organization name Change ...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • Persistent Grafana Dashboards

    Persistent Grafana Dashboards Creating a Persistent Grafana Dashboard 1. Get the JSON model of the dashboard that you want to persist 2. Create a ConfigMap using the Grafana JSON ...
  • Access

    Access TiDB Dashboard Access TiDB Dashboard when multiple PD instances are deployed Browser compatibility Sign in Switch language Logout Access TiDB Dashboard To access TiD...
  • Visualize data

    Get started visualizing data Create a dashboard Create dashboard cells Create and use dashboard variables Create a custom dashboard variable Use a custom dashboard variable Co...