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  • Search

    Dashboard Search Find by dashboard name Filter by Tag(s) Dashboard Search Dashboards can be searched by the dashboard name, filtered by one (or many) tags or filtered by starr...
  • 配置 SSO 登录

    配置 TiDB Dashboard 使用 SSO 登录 配置 OIDC SSO 启用 SSO 禁用 SSO 密码发生变更后重新录入密码 使用 SSO 登录 示例一:使用 Okta 进行 TiDB Dashboard SSO 登录认证 步骤一:配置 Okta 步骤二:获取 TiDB Dashboard 所需的配置参数并填入 TiDB Dashboa...
  • Export and import

    Export and import Exporting a dashboard Making a dashboard portable Import dashboard Discover dashboards on Grafana.com Import and sharing with Grafana 2.x or 3.0 Note Exp...
  • Export and import

    Export and import Exporting a dashboard Making a dashboard portable Import dashboard Discover dashboards on Grafana.com Import and sharing with Grafana 2.x or 3.0 Note Exp...
  • 安全

    提高 TiDB Dashboard 安全性 提高 TiDB 用户安全性 为 root 用户设置强密码 为 TiDB Dashboard 创建最小权限用户 使用防火墙阻止不可信访问 如何在多 PD 实例部署时开放 TiDB Dashboard 端口访问 反向代理仅代理 TiDB Dashboard 为反向代理开启 TLS 其他建议的安全措施 ...
  • Persistent Grafana Dashboards

    Persistent Grafana Dashboards Creating a Persistent Grafana Dashboard 1. Get the JSON model of the dashboard that you want to persist 2. Create a ConfigMap using the Grafana JSON ...
  • k3d

    k3d Prerequisites Installation Set up Istio for k3d Set up Dashboard UI for k3d Uninstall k3d k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes dis...
  • 反向代理

    通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 操作步骤 第 1 步:获取实际 TiDB Dashboard 地址 第 2 步:配置反向代理 自定义路径前缀 第 1 步:修改 PD 配置指定 TiDB Dashboard 服务路径前缀 第 2 步:修改反向代理配置 下一步 title: 通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 通...
  • kind

    kind Prerequisites Installation steps Setup Dashboard UI for kind kind kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes . kind was primarily...
  • kind

    kind Prerequisites Installation steps Setup Dashboard UI for kind kind kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes . kind was primarily...