空间材质 简介 标志 透明 Use Shadow to Opacity(使用阴影转为不透明度) Unshaded(无阴影) Vertex Lighting(顶点照明) No Depth Test(无深度测试) Use Point Size(使用点大小) World Triplanar(世界三平面) Fixed Size(固定大小) Do N...
简介 通道区 装配器 选择 编辑 滑块 简介 通道区 通道区。 This region is found on the left side of time-based editors like the 时间线 , the Dope Sheet Editor , and the Graph Editor. It shows a tree ...
简介 通道区 装配器 选择 编辑 滑块 简介 通道区 通道区。 The channels region is used to select and manage the curves for all Animation Editors. This part shows the objects and their animation d...
Scrapy cookies浅析 Scrapy cookies浅析 首先打消大家的疑虑, Scrapy会自动管理cookies, 就像浏览器一样: Does Scrapy manage cookies automatically? Yes, Scrapy receives and keeps track of cookies sent by ser...