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  • Image Node

    44 2024-08-11 《Blender 4.2 Manual》
    Image Node Inputs Properties Outputs Image Node The Image node can be used to load an external image. Inputs This node has no inputs. Properties Image See Data-Block M...
  • Rotate Node

    28 2024-08-11 《Blender 4.2 Manual》
    Rotate Node Inputs Properties Outputs Rotate Node Rotate the texture coordinates of an image or texture. Inputs Color Standard color input. Turns The number of times t...
  • Math Node

    44 2024-08-11 《Blender 4.2 Manual》
    Math Node Inputs Properties Outputs Examples Manual Z-Mask Using Sine Function to Pulsate Brightening (Scaling) a Channel Restrict Color Selection (Posterization) Math N...
  • Normal Node

    45 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Normal Node Inputs Properties Outputs Normal Node The Normal node generates a normal vector and a dot product. Inputs Normal Normal vector input. Properties Normal Dir...
  • Switch Node

    35 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Switch Node Inputs Properties Outputs Switch Node Switch between two images using a checkbox. Inputs Image First image input. Image Second image input. Properties Sw...
  • Translate Node

    54 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Translate Node Inputs Properties Outputs Translate Node The Translate node moves an image. Could also be used to add a 2D camera shake. Inputs Image Standard color inpu...
  • Texture Node

    63 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Texture Node Inputs Properties Outputs Texture Node The Texture node makes 3D textures available to the Compositor. Inputs Offset A vector (XYZ) transforming the origin ...
  • Bump Node

    40 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Bump Node Inputs Properties Outputs Examples Bump Node The Bump node generates a perturbed normal from a height texture, for bump mapping. The height value will be sampled...
  • Mix Node

    66 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Mix Node Inputs Properties Outputs Examples Fixing overexposure Watermark Images Encoding your Watermark in an Image Decoding an Image for your Watermark Mix Node Blen...
  • Tangent Node

    54 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Tangent Node Inputs Properties Outputs Tangent Node The Tangent node generates a tangent direction for the Anisotropic BSDF. Inputs This node has no inputs. Properties ...