书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.023 秒,为您找到 1344 个相关结果.
  • Set up a High-Availability Control Plane

    Set up a High-Availability Control Plane Before you begin Starting an HA-compatible cluster Adding a new control plane node Removing a control plane node Handling control plane...
  • 分布式运维命令

    集群运维命令 展示集群配置 展示 ConfigNode 信息 ConfigNode 状态定义 展示 DataNode 信息 DataNode 状态定义 展示全部节点信息 展示 Region 信息 Region 状态定义 展示集群槽信息 展示数据分区所在的 DataRegion 展示元数据分区所在的 SchemaRegion 展示序列槽下的...
  • 特性生命周期管理

    特性生命周期管理 Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria 特性生命周期管理 This document is to clarify definitions and differences between features and co...
  • Feature Lifecycle

    Feature Lifecycle Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria Feature Lifecycle This document is to clarify definitions and differences betwe...
  • 为什么比特币会分叉

    1458 2018-09-13 《区块链教程》
    为什么比特币会分叉 共识 为什么比特币会分叉 scaling debate 大区块 BCH Bitcoin Core: segwit 闪电网络 比特币是一个协议,分叉表示修改协议,或者说协议升级。 软分叉硬分叉 无论是软分叉还是硬分叉,都可能会对协议造成根本性的改变。但是区别在于:软分叉是向后兼容的,新协议与旧的协议是兼容的,而硬分叉不向...
  • Features Timeline

    Features Timeline Babel 7.25.0 Babel 7.24.0 Babel 7.23.0 Babel 7.22.0 Babel 7.21.0 Babel 7.20.0 babel-loader 9.0.0 Babel 7.19.0 Babel 7.18.0 Babel 7.17.0 Babel 7.16.0 Ba...
  • Operational Guides

    Operational Guides Replication and Deployment in Zones Metrics Upgrading M3 Resource Limits and Preventing Abusive Reads/Writes Tuning Availability, Consistency, and Durability...
  • Custom Resource Definitions

    Custom Resource Definitions Install a CRD Declaration Before Using the Resource Method 1: Let helm Do It For You Some caveats (and explanations) Method 2: Separate Charts C...
  • 6. 使用平行链与群组

    6. 使用平行链与群组 6.1. 创建平行链 6.2. 获取group_chain合约 6.3. 创建群组 6. 使用平行链与群组 6.1. 创建平行链 现在超级链中创建平行链的方式是:发起一个系统智能合约,发到xuper链。 当前xchain.yaml有两个配置项: Kernel : # minNewChainAmoun...
  • Custom Resource Definitions

    Custom Resource Definitions Install a CRD Declaration Before Using the Resource Method 1: Let helm Do It For You Some caveats (and explanations) Method 2: Separate Charts C...