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  • Storage

    TiDB Storage Key-Value pairs Local storage (RocksDB) Raft protocol Region MVCC Distributed ACID transaction TiDB Storage This document introduces some design ideas and key...
  • 2. Fault Tolerance

    Fault Tolerance 1. Setup - create universe and table 2. Insert data through node 1 Step 3. Read data through another node 4. Verify that one node failure has no impact 5. Verif...
  • 特性生命周期管理

    特性生命周期管理 Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria 特性生命周期管理 This document is to clarify definitions and differences between features and co...
  • 参考资源链接

    参考资源链接 论文 项目网站 培训课程 区块链服务平台 参考资源链接 论文 L. Lamport, “Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System,” Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 558–565, 1978. M P...
  • Governance

    491 2020-12-05 《Ceph v15.2 Document》
    Governance Project Leader Committers Ceph Leadership Team Component Leads The Ceph Foundation Governance The Ceph open source community is guided by a few different groups...
  • Feature Lifecycle

    Feature Lifecycle Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria Feature Lifecycle This document is to clarify definitions and differences betwe...
  • 参考资源链接

    参考资源链接 论文 项目网站 培训课程 区块链即服务 参考资源链接 论文 L. Lamport, “Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System,” Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 558–565, 1978. M Pe...
  • The Ordering Service

    The Ordering Service What is ordering? Orderer nodes and channel configuration Orderer nodes and identity Orderers and the transaction flow Phase one: Transaction Proposal and E...
  • Why choose RocketMQ

    Why choose RocketMQ Why RocketMQ RocketMQ vs. ActiveMQ vs. Kafka Why choose RocketMQ Why RocketMQ During Ali’s nascent days of RocketMQ, we used it for asynchronous communica...
  • 特性生命周期管理

    特性生命周期管理 Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria 特性生命周期管理 This document is to clarify definitions and differences between features and co...