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  • PMC (English)

    DevStream PMC Guide The DevStream PMC PMC Chair PMC Member Standards Add a PMC Member 简体中文: 这个页面还没有中文翻译。 DevStream PMC Guide The DevStream PMC The DevStream project mana...
  • 4. 发起提案

    4. 发起提案 4. 发起提案 XuperChain中有多种提案-投票操作场景,但原理都是一致的,我们以通过提案更改共识算法(single改为tdpos)来介绍具体的操作流程 部署一个Single共识的超级链环境已经在“快速入门”一节有介绍 首先我们需要准备一个tdpos共识的配置,包括出块时间、代表名单等(假设文件名为proposal.json...
  • Feature Lifecycle

    Feature Lifecycle Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria Feature Lifecycle This document is to clarify definitions and differences betwe...
  • 5. 操作指导

    5.1 如何升级软件 5.2 配置文件说明 5.3 各模块说明 5.1 如何升级软件 当版本升级时,需要pull最新的代码,并重新编译,然后将 plugins文件夹, 二进制文件xchain,xchain-cli 全部替换后全部重新启动即可,注意需要先启动bootNodes节点。 5.2 配置文件说明 XuperUnion的配置文件默认读取...
  • Governance

    847 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    Governance Project Leader Committers Ceph Leadership Team Component Leads The Ceph Foundation Governance The Ceph open source community is guided by a few different groups...
  • FAQs

    What is TiKV? How do I run TiKV? When to use TiKV? How does TiKV scale? How is TiKV highly available? How is TiKV strongly consistent? Does TiKV support distributed transacti...
  • FAQs

    What is TiKV? How do I run TiKV? When to use TiKV? How does TiKV scale? How is TiKV highly available? How is TiKV strongly consistent? Does TiKV support distributed transacti...
  • Feature Lifecycle

    Feature Lifecycle Alpha Graduation Criteria Beta Graduation Criteria GA Graduation Criteria Feature Lifecycle This document is to clarify definitions and differences betwe...