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  • 介绍

    12339 2018-02-28 《Pixi教程》
    介绍 Pixi是一个超快的2D渲染引擎。这意味着什么呢?这意味着它会帮助你用JavaScript或者其他HTML5技术来显示媒体,创建动画或管理交互式图像,从而制作一个游戏或应用。它拥有语义化的,简洁的API接口并且加入了一些非常有用的特性。比如支持纹理贴图集和为精灵(交互式图像)提供了一个简单的动画系统。它也提供了一个完备的场景图,你可以在精灵图层里面...
  • Ecosystem

    Ecosystem Core Community Ecosystem Plugins maintained by the Fastify team are listed under Core while plugins maintained by the community are listed in the Community section...
  • instaweb

    446 2020-11-23 《Git Reference》
    NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS CONFIGURATION SEE ALSO GIT NAME git-instaweb - Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb SYNOPSIS git instaweb [-- local ] ...
  • Databases

    Databases An in-memory database In the browser Querying As a REST API What’s next? Databases In the services chapter we created a custom in-memory messages service that c...
  • Praise for Speaking JavaScript

    Praise for Speaking JavaScript buy the book to support the author. Praise for Speaking JavaScript “A lot of people think JavaScript is simple and in many cases it is. But ...
  • 6.4. Prevent query injection vulnerabilities with ORM/ODM libraries

    Preventing database injection vulnerabilities by using ORM/ODM libraries or other DAL packages One Paragraph Explainer Libraries Example - NoSQL query injection Example - SQL in...
  • 6.4. 使用 ORM/ODM 库防止查询注入漏洞

    Preventing database injection vulnerabilities by using ORM/ODM libraries or other DAL packages One Paragraph Explainer Libraries Example - NoSQL query injection Example - SQL in...
  • 二次开发

    安装YApi 技术栈说明 启动开发环境服务器 启动生产环境服务器 安装YApi 1.创建工程目录 mkdir yapi && cd yapi git clone https :// github . com / YMFE / yapi . git vendors -- depth = 1 # 或者下载 zip 包解压到 vend...
  • 二次开发

    安装YApi 技术栈说明 启动开发环境服务器 启动生产环境服务器 安装YApi 1.创建工程目录 mkdir yapi && cd yapi git clone https :// github . com / YMFE / yapi . git vendors -- depth = 1 # 或者下载 zip 包解压到 vend...
  • documents

    Documents Retrieving Updating Validating Overwriting Next Up Documents Mongoose documents represent a one-to-one mapping to documents as stored in MongoDB. Each document ...