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  • Node.js Best Practices

    Node.js Best Practices Built and maintained by our and Latest Best Practices and News Welcome! 3 Things You Ought To Know First Table of Contents 1. Project Structure Practice...
  • Release Notes

    Release Notes v10.0.0 Notable Changes v9.2.0 Infernalis Major Changes from Hammer Distro compatibility Upgrading from Firefly Upgrading from Hammer Notable Changes since Hamm...
  • Node.js 最佳实践

    5772 2021-01-03 《Node.js 最佳实践》
    Node.js 最佳实践 欢迎! 首先您应该知道的三件事情: 1. 项目结构实践 1.1 组件式构建你的解决方案 1.2 分层设计组件,保持Express在特定的区域 1.3 封装公共模块成为NPM的包 1.4 分离 Express ‘app’ and ‘server’ 1.5 使用易于设置环境变量,安全和分级的配置 2. 错误处理最佳实践...