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  • Mapping Node

    42 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Mapping Node Inputs Properties Outputs Examples Mapping Node The Mapping node transforms the input vector by applying translation, rotation, and scaling. Inputs The inpu...
  • Light Node

    38 2024-06-27 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Light Node Inputs Properties Outputs Light Node The Light Output node is used to output light information to a light object. Inputs Surface Shading for the surface of th...
  • Compare Node

    45 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Compare Node Inputs Properties Output Examples Compare Node The Compare node takes two inputs and does an operation to determine whether they are similar. The node can wor...
  • Clamp Node

    50 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Clamp Node Inputs Properties Outputs Examples Clamp Node The Clamp node clamps a value between a minimum and a maximum. Inputs Value The input value to be clamped. Min...
  • Grid Node

    45 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Grid Node Inputs Properties Outputs Grid Node The Grid node generates a planar mesh on the XY plane. Inputs Size X Side length of the plane in the X direction. Size Y ...
  • Cylinder Node

    49 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Cylinder Node Inputs Properties Outputs Cylinder Node The Cylinder node generates a cylinder mesh. It is similar to the Cone node but always uses the same radius for the ci...
  • Cone Node

    41 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Cone Node Inputs Properties Outputs Cone Node The Cone node generates a cone mesh that is optionally truncated. Inputs Vertices Number of points on the circle at the top...
  • Viewer Node

    57 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Viewer Node Usage Activation and Deactivation Attribute Visualization Pinning Inputs Properties Outputs Viewer Node The Viewer node allows viewing data from inside a ge...
  • Material Node

    56 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Material Node Inputs Properties Output Material Node The Material input node outputs a single material. It can be connected to other material sockets to make using the sam...
  • Color Node

    50 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Color Node Inputs Properties Outputs Color Node The Color node outputs the color value chosen with the color picker widget. Inputs This node has no inputs. Properties T...