书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.026 秒,为您找到 3160 个相关结果.
  • Machine Learning

    Machine Learning Machine Learning Machine learning addon is divided into model-training addon and model-serving addon. Run the following command to install the addon: vela addo...
  • Siamese Network Tutorial

    Siamese Network Training with Caffe Prepare Datasets The Model Define the Siamese Network Reading in the Pair Data Building the First Side of the Siamese Net Building the Secon...
  • XGBoost 参数

    3198 2019-05-25 《XGBoost 中文文档》
    XGBoost 参数 R 中的参数 常规参数 用于 Tree 提升的参数 用于 Dart Booster 的其它参数 用于 Linear Booster 的参数 学习任务的参数 命令行参数 XGBoost 参数 在运行 XGBoost 之前, 我们必须设置三种类型的参数: 常规参数, 提升器参数和任务参数. 常规参数与我们用于提升的...
  • Tutorials

    Tutorials Other Samples and Tutorials Feedback Tutorials Try the samples and follow detailed tutorials for training and deploying with Kubeflow Fairing Other Samples and ...
  • Dropout

    Dropout 深度神经网络最流行的正则化技术可以说是 dropout。 它由 GE Hinton 于 2012 年提出,并在 Nitish Srivastava 等人的论文中进一步详细描述,并且已被证明是非常成功的:即使是最先进的神经网络,仅仅通过增加丢失就可以提高1-2%的准确度。 这听起来可能不是很多,但是当一个模型已经具有 95% 的准确率时,获...
  • References

    1557 2018-04-22 《RubyFu(英文)》
    References References Contributors GitBook Desktop Editor Download and installation How to GitBook [Videos] Create GitBook online Download and Install Gitbook package Cr...
  • Excellence

    Excellence Excellence We want to excel in our field by designing, developing and delivering quality products on time. Beyond delivering value to our customers, this goal also a...
  • Approximate search

    Approximate k-NN search Get started with approximate k-NN Building a k-NN index from a model Using approximate k-NN with filters Spaces Approximate k-NN search The approxima...
  • Using Preemptible VMs and GPUs on GCP

    Using Preemptible VMs and GPUs on GCP Introduction Using preemptible VMs with Kubeflow Pipelines 1. Create a node pool with preemptible VMs 2. Schedule your pipeline to run on th...