Classify Cora Dataset Using GCN The Dataset Train the GCN on the Cora dataset Load data from Cora Train GCN Predict the label of a paper in Cora dataset Evaluate the Trained G...
callbacks.mixup Mixup data augmentation What is mixup? Basic Training Mixup implementation in the library Adding mixup to the mix class MixUpCallback [source] [test] Callba...
Getting started with Feast Installing Feast with Kubeflow Accessing Feast from Kubeflow Examples Next steps Getting started with Feast How to set up Feast and walk through ...
Coach Dashboard Visualizing Signals Tracking Statistics Comparing Runs Coach Dashboard Reinforcement learning algorithms are neat. That is - when they work. But when they do...
Learn Flink: Hands-on Training Goals and Scope of this Training Stream Processing Parallel Dataflows Timely Stream Processing Stateful Stream Processing Fault Tolerance via St...
Questionnaire Further Research Questionnaire If the dataset for your project is so big and complicated that working with it takes a significant amount of time, what should yo...
Normalization Normalization When training a model, it helps if your input data is normalized—that is, has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. But most images and compute...
Your First Model Getting a GPU Deep Learning Server Running Your First Notebook Sidebar: This Book Was Written in Jupyter Notebooks End sidebar What Is Machine Learning? What ...