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  • C#/.NET

    C#/.NET Godot API for C C# platform support C#/.NET C# is a high-level programming language developed by Microsoft. Godot supports C# as an option for a scripting language, al...
  • 进行 HTTP 请求

    进行 HTTP 请求 为什么使用 HTTP? Godot 中的 HTTP 请求 准备场景 编写请求脚本 向服务器发送数据 设置自定义 HTTP 报头 进行 HTTP 请求 为什么使用 HTTP? HTTP 请求 可以用来与 Web 服务器以及其他非 Godot 程序通信。 与 Godot 的其他网络功能(例如高阶多人游戏 )相比,HTT...
  • 绑定到外部库

    绑定到外部库 模块(Modules) 使用模块 绑定到外部库 模块(Modules) The Summator example in 自定义C++模块 is great for small, custom modules, but what if you want to use a larger, external library? Let...
  • Android Studio

    Android Studio Importing the project Android Studio project layout Building & debugging the editor module Building & debugging the app module Android Studio Android Studio ...
  • EditorTranslationParserPlugin

    EditorTranslationParserPlugin Description Methods Method Descriptions EditorTranslationParserPlugin Inherits: RefCounted < Object Plugin for adding custom parsers to ext...
  • 为macOS平台编译

    为macOS平台编译 需求 开始编译 编译精简和服务器构建 构建导出模板 从Linux交叉编译macOS 为macOS平台编译 需求 在macOS下编译时,需要以下条件: Python 3.5+ . SCons 3.0+ 构建系统. ` Xcode <https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcode/...
  • CLion

    CLion Importing the project Debugging the project CLion CLion is a commercial JetBrains IDE for C++. Importing the project CLion requires a CMakeLists.txt file as a proje...
  • Scripting languages

    Scripting languages Available scripting languages Which language should I use? GDScript .NET / C C++ via GDExtension Summary Work in progress The content of this page was ...
  • GDNative C example

    GDNative C example Introduction Prerequisites Our C source Compiling Creating the GDNativeLibrary (.gdnlib ) file General properties Platform libraries Saving the resource ...
  • Your first 2D game

    Your first 2D game Prerequisites Contents Your first 2D game In this step-by-step tutorial series, you will create your first complete 2D game with Godot. By the end of the se...