Celery Background Tasks Install Configure An example task Run a worker Celery Background Tasks If your application has a long running task, such as processing some uploaded ...
celery.worker.control celery.worker.control celery.worker.control celery.worker.control celery.worker.control Remote control commands. class celery.worker.control.Panel...
celery.events.state celery.events.state celery.events.state celery.events.state celery.events.state This module implements a datastructure used to keep track of the stat...
celery.contrib.batches celery.contrib.batches Experimental task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list. 警告 For this to work you have to set CELERYD_PREFETCH...
celery.app.builtins celery.app.builtins celery.app.builtins celery.app.builtins celery.app.builtins Built-in tasks that are always available in all app instances. E.g. c...