celery.schedules celery.schedules celery.schedules celery.schedules celery.schedules Schedules define the intervals at which periodic tasks should run. exception celery...
celery.bootsteps celery.bootsteps celery.bootsteps celery.bootsteps celery.bootsteps A directed acyclic graph of reusable components. class celery.bootsteps.Blueprint(s...
Celery Background Tasks Install Configure An example task Run a worker Celery Background Tasks If your application has a long running task, such as processing some uploaded...
Celery Background Tasks Install Configure An example task Run a worker Celery Background Tasks If your application has a long running task, such as processing some uploaded...
celery.concurrency celery.concurrency celery.concurrency celery.concurrency celery.concurrency Pool implementation abstract factory, and alias definitions. celery.concu...
celery.worker celery.worker celery.worker celery.worker celery.worker WorkController can be used to instantiate in-process workers. The worker consists of several comp...
celery.loaders celery.loaders celery.loaders celery.loaders celery.loaders Loaders define how configuration is read, what happens when workers start, when tasks are exec...
celery.result celery.result celery.result celery.result celery.result Task results/state and groups of results. class celery.result.ResultBase[源代码] Base class for all...