17.4.1 Automatic Restart Maven Restart Gradle Restart 17.4.1 Automatic Restart There are various ways to achieve reloading of classes on the JVM, and all have their advantages...
Chapter 20. The Build Environment 构建环境 20.1. 通过 gradle.propert 配置构建环境 20.1.1. Forked Java processes 20.2. Accessing the web via a proxy 通过代理访问 web 20.2.1. NTLM Authentication ...
Fat JAR Gradle Maven Fat JAR A fat-jar (or uber-jar) archive is a normal jar file single archive packing all the dependencies togetherso it can be run a standalone applicatio...
GitLab Maven Repository GitLab Maven Repository Enabling the Maven Repository Getting Started with Maven Installing Maven Creating a project Getting started with Gradle Instal...
Create Command Flags Language/Test Features Groovy Kotlin Build Tool Create Command Flags The create-* commands will generate a basic Micronaut project, with optional flags...