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  • Kubeflow Versioning Policies

    Kubeflow Versioning Policies Kubeflow versioning Application versioning and stable status Kubeflow application matrix Kubeflow SDKs and CLIs Support levels Kubeflow Versio...
  • 4.3 模型参数的延后初始化

    4.3 模型参数的延后初始化 4.3 模型参数的延后初始化 由于使用Gluon创建的全连接层的时候不需要指定输入个数。所以当调用initialize 函数时,由于隐藏层输入个数依然未知,系统也无法得知该层权重参数的形状。只有在当形状已知的输入X 传进网络做前向计算net(X) 时,系统才推断出该层的权重参数形状为多少,此时才进行真正的初始化操作。但是...
  • Codelabs, Workshops, and Tutorials

    Codelabs, Workshops, and Tutorials Agile Stacks Kubeflow Pipelines tutorials Google codelabs Katacoda scenarios OpenShift Kubeflow workshops Feedback Codelabs, Workshops, ...
  • Conclusion

    539 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Conclusion Conclusion In this chapter we explored the foundations of deep learning, beginning with matrix multiplication and moving on to implementing the forward and backward ...
  • torch.utils.model_zoo

    torch.utils.model_zoo 译者署名 torch.utils.model_zoo torch . utils . model_zoo . load_url ( url , model_dir = None ) 在给定URL上加载Torch序列化对象。 如果对象已经存在于model_dir 中,则将被反序列化并返回。URL...
  • DocumentArray

    DocumentArray Construct Access elements Bulk access contents Bulk access to attributes Import/Export Sharing DocumentArray across machines Embed via model Find nearest neigh...
  • torch.hub

    torch.hub torch.hub 译者:kunwuz torch . hub . load ( github , model , force_reload = False , * args , ** kwargs ) 从github上加载一个带有预训练权重的模型。 参数: github – 必需,一个字符...
  • Siamese Tutorial

    Tutorial - Using fastai on a custom new task Preparing the data Purely in PyTorch Using the mid-level API Making show work Writing your custom data block Training a model The ...
  • Predictions

    Predictions callbacks MCDropoutCallback class MCDropoutCallback [source] Predictions callbacks Various callbacks to customize get_preds behaviors /usr/ local / lib /...
  • torch.utils.ffi

    torch.utils.ffi torch.utils.ffi torch . utils . ffi . create_extension ( name , headers , sources , verbose = True , with_cuda = False , package = False , relative_to = '...