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  • Sprite Component Reference

    Sprite Component Reference Sprite Properties Rendering mode Filled mode Fill Range Supplemental description Sprite Component Reference Using Sprite is the most common way to...
  • Sprite

    Sprite 组件参考 Sprite 属性 渲染模式 填充模式(Filled) Fill Range 填充范围补充说明 Sprite 组件参考 Sprite(精灵)是 2D 游戏中最常见的显示图像的方式,在节点上添加 Sprite 组件,就可以在场景中显示项目资源中的图片。 点击属性检查器 下面的添加组件 按钮,然后从添加渲染组件 中选...
  • 3D lights and shadows

    3D lights and shadows Introduction Light nodes Shadow mapping Directional light Directional shadow mapping Omni light Omni shadow mapping Spot light Spot shadow mapping Shad...
  • Sprite

    Sprite Description Tutorials Properties Methods Signals Property Descriptions Method Descriptions Sprite Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object General-pu...
  • Sprite

    Sprite Description Tutorials Properties Methods Signals Property Descriptions Method Descriptions Sprite Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object General-p...
  • Sprite2D

    Sprite2D Description Tutorials Properties Methods Signals Property Descriptions Method Descriptions Sprite2D Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object Genera...
  • Skin

    Overview Resources Convenience Methods Conversions Modifying resources Widget styles Skin JSON Color BitmapFont TintedDrawable Overview Resources Convenience methods ...
  • Dynamic load asset

    Asset Loading Dynamic loading of resources Loading a SpriteFrame or a Texture2D Load SpriteFrames from Atlas Load resources in the FBX or glTF model Resource bulk loading Prel...
  • Asset Loading

    Asset Loading Dynamic loading of resources Loading a SpriteFrame or a Texture2D Load SpriteFrames from Atlas Load resources in the FBX or glTF model Resource bulk loading Prel...
  • Sprite

    Sprite Description Tutorials Properties Methods Signals Property Descriptions Method Descriptions Sprite Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object General-p...