How to make a release Update files Get a fresh copy of the repository Update the version number Tag the release Generate and upload the package On PyPI On Finally ...
Extending Theano Extending Theano This advanced tutorial is for users who want to extend Theano with new Types,new Operations (Ops), and new graph optimizations. This first pag...
Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C Writing an Optimization Test the optimization Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C This section walks through a non-trivial examp...
Extending Theano Extending Theano This advanced tutorial is for users who want to extend Theano with new Types,new Operations (Ops), and new graph optimizations. This first pag...
Troubleshooting Why do I get a network error when I install Theano How to solve TypeError: object of type ‘TensorVariable’ has no len() How to solve Out of memory Error theano.f...
Troubleshooting Why do I get a network error when I install Theano How to solve TypeError: object of type ‘TensorVariable’ has no len() How to solve Out of memory Error theano.f...