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  • Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C

    Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C Writing an Optimization Test the optimization Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C This section walks through a non-trivial examp...
  • Mobile Network Modeling

    Mobile Network Modeling Who am I? The problem I’m trying to solve How Dask helps Distributed computing and Dask delayed Dask Dataframe Pain points when using dask Technology ...
  • Glossary

    Glossary Glossary Apply Instances of Apply represent the application of an Op to some input Variable (or variables) to produce some outputVariable (or variables). They are ...
  • seaborn.distplot

    seaborn.distplot seaborn.distplot seaborn . distplot ( a , bins = None , hist = True , kde = True , rug = False , fit = None , hist_kws = None , kde_kws = None , rug_kw...
  • Overview: Why xarray?

    Overview: Why xarray? What labels enable Core data structures Goals and aspirations Overview: Why xarray? What labels enable Multi-dimensional (a.k.a. N-dimensional, ND) a...
  • Cython for NumPy users

    Cython for NumPy users Cython at a glance Your Cython environment Installation Manual compilation The first Cython program Adding types Efficient indexing with memoryviews T...
  • Glossary

    539 2020-04-11 《Theano 1.0 Document》
    Glossary Glossary Apply Instances of Apply represent the application of an Op to some input Variable (or variables) to produce some outputVariable (or variables). They are ...
  • Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C

    548 2020-04-11 《Theano 1.0 Document》
    Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C Writing an Optimization Test the optimization Writing an Op to work on an ndarray in C This section walks through a non-trivial examp...
  • Glossary

    Glossary Glossary Apply Instances of Apply represent the application of an Op to some input Variable (or variables) to produce some outputVariable (or variables). They are ...
  • 08.11 接口

    1033 2019-01-17 《中文 Python 笔记》
    接口 接口 在 Python 中,鸭子类型(duck typing )是一种动态类型的风格。所谓鸭子类型,来自于 James Whitcomb Riley 的“鸭子测试”: 当看到一只鸟走起来像鸭子、游泳起来像鸭子、叫起来也像鸭子,那么这只鸟就可以被称为鸭子。 假设我们需要定义一个函数,这个函数使用一个类型为鸭子的参数,并调用它的走和叫方...