Jupyter Installation Usage Jupyter pyprql contains pyprql.magic , a thin wrapper of JupySQL ’s SQL IPython magics. This allows us to run PRQL interactively on Jupyter/IPytho...
Jupyter Installation Usage Jupyter pyprql contains pyprql.magic , a thin wrapper of JupySQL ’s SQL IPython magics. This allows us to run PRQL interactively on Jupyter/IPytho...
Variables PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Variables Variables assign a name to an expression (let’s call it x ). The name can then be used in any expression, acting as a substitute for t...
Introduction PRQL SQL Introduction PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement. Like SQL, it’s readable, explicit and decl...
Introduction PRQL SQL Introduction PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement. Like SQL, it’s readable, explicit and decl...
Name resolution Scopes Resolving Translating to SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Name resolution Because PRQL primarily handles relational data, it has specialized scoping rules fo...
Null handling PRQL SQL Null handling SQL has an unconventional way of handling NULL values, since it treats them as unknown values. As a result, in SQL: NULL is not a val...
Null handling PRQL SQL Null handling SQL has an unconventional way of handling NULL values, since it treats them as unknown values. As a result, in SQL: NULL is not a val...
Tuples PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Tuples Tuple is a container type, composed of multiple fields. Each field can have a different type. Number of fields and their types must be known...