Take Examples PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Take Picks rows based on their position. take ( n | range ) See Ranges for more details on how ranges work. Examples PRQL from ...
Null handling PRQL SQL Null handling SQL has an unconventional way of handling NULL values, since it treats them as unknown values. As a result, in SQL: NULL is not a val...
How do I: read files? PRQL SQL PRQL SQL See also How do I: read files? There are a couple of functions mainly designed for DuckDB: PRQL prql target : sql . duckdb f...
Sort Parameters Examples PRQL SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Ordering guarantees PRQL SQL Sort Order rows based on the values of one or more expressions (generally...
Window Example PRQL SQL PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Windowing by default PRQL SQL PRQL SQL Window functions as first class citizens PRQL SQL Window Applies a pipeline to s...