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  • Data Science Package for Python

    Data Science Package for Python 2.7 Modules Data Science Package for Python 3.9 Modules Installing a Data Science Package for Python Uninstalling a Data Science Package for Pyth...
  • vision.gan

    vision.gan GANs class GANLearner [source] [test] Factory methods from_learners [source] [test] wgan [source] [test] Switchers class FixedGANSwitcher [source] [test] ...
  • 接入谷歌搜索

    接入谷歌搜索 注册 Google Search API 写一个 Google Search 接口 模块编排 - 工具调用模式 模块编排 - 非工具调用方式 流程说明 接入谷歌搜索 将 FastGPT 接入谷歌搜索 工具调用模式 工具调用模式 非工具调用模式 非工具调用模式 如上图,利用「HTTP请求」模块,你可以外接一个搜索...
  • The MNIST Loss Function

    424 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    The MNIST Loss Function Sigmoid SGD and Mini-Batches The MNIST Loss Function We already have our independent variables x —these are the images themselves. We’ll concatenate t...
  • Model Interpretation

    444 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Model Interpretation Tree Variance for Prediction Confidence Feature Importance Removing Low-Importance Variables Removing Redundant Features Partial Dependence Data Leakage ...
  • Core

    Tabular core Initial preprocessing make_date [source] add_datepart [source] add_elapsed_times [source] cont_cat_split [source] df_shrink_dtypes [source] df_shrink ...
  • Layers

    Layers Basic manipulations and resize module [source] class Identity [source] class Lambda [source] class PartialLambda [source] class Flatten [source] class V...
  • The Forward and Backward Passes

    438 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    The Forward and Backward Passes Defining and Initializing a Layer Gradients and the Backward Pass Sidebar: SymPy End sidebar Refactoring the Model Going to PyTorch The Fo...
  • Building a Modern CNN: ResNet

    568 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Building a Modern CNN: ResNet Skip Connections A State-of-the-Art ResNet Bottleneck Layers Building a Modern CNN: ResNet We now have all the pieces we need to build the mode...
  • 知识库接口

    知识库接口 创建训练订单(4.6.9地址发生改动) 知识库 创建一个知识库 获取知识库列表 获取知识库详情 删除一个知识库 集合 通用创建参数说明 创建一个空的集合 创建一个纯文本集合 创建一个链接集合 创建一个文件集合 创建一个外部文件库集合(商业版) 获取集合列表 获取集合详情 修改集合信息 删除一个集合 数据 数据的结...