Learner Callbacks Scheduling the Learning Rate Learner We have data, a model, and a loss function; we only need one more thing we can fit a model, and that’s an optimizer! He...
Learner for the vision applications Cut a pretrained model has_pool_type [source] create_body [source] Head and model create_head [source] default_split [source] crea...
Collaborative filtering Gather the data class TabularCollab [source] class CollabDataLoaders [source] CollabDataLoaders.from_df [source] CollabDataLoaders.from_csv [so...
Categorical Embeddings Categorical Embeddings In tabular data some columns may contain numerical data, like “age,” while others contain string values, like “sex.” The numerical...
The Magic of Convolutions Mapping a Convolution Kernel Convolutions in PyTorch Strides and Padding Understanding the Convolution Equations The Magic of Convolutions One of ...
Title DataLoader helpers fa_collate [source] fa_convert [source] class SkipItemException [source] class DataLoader [source] Title /usr/ local / lib / python...
First Try: Pixel Similarity NumPy Arrays and PyTorch Tensors First Try: Pixel Similarity So, here is a first idea: how about we find the average pixel value for every pixel of...