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  • 2 Zabbix proxy

    2 Zabbix proxy 概述 参数详情 AllowRoot AllowUnsupportedDBVersions CacheSize ConfigFrequency DataSenderFrequency DBHost DBName DBPassword DBPort DBSchema DBSocket DBUser DBTL...
  • Zabbix 手册页

    Zabbix 手册页 Zabbix 手册页 这些是 Zabbix 进程的手册页。
  • 2 Zabbix proxy

    2 Zabbix proxy 概览 参数 2 Zabbix proxy 概览 本节列出了 Zabbix proxy 的配置文件(zabbix_proxy.conf)中支持的参数。 请注意: 默认值反映的是守护进程的默认值,而不是附带的配置文件中的值; Zabbix 仅支持 UTF-8 编码的配置文件,且编码中不可使用字节顺序标记(BOM) ;...
  • 4 Zabbix 概述

    4 Zabbix 概述 结构体系 Server 数据存储 Web 界面 Proxy Agent 数据流 4 Zabbix 概述 结构体系 Zabbix 由几个主要的软件组件组成。他们的职责概述如下。 Server Zabbix server 是 agents 向其报告可用性和完整性信息和统计信息的中心组件。server 是存储所有...
  • 1 Getting Zabbix

    383 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    1 Getting Zabbix Overview Getting Zabbix source code 1 Getting Zabbix Overview There are four ways of getting Zabbix: Install it from the distribution packages Download th...
  • 2 What is Zabbix

    301 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    2 What is Zabbix Overview Users of Zabbix 2 What is Zabbix Overview Zabbix was created by Alexei Vladishev, and currently is actively developed and supported by Zabbix SIA. ...
  • 2 What is Zabbix

    466 2021-04-18 《Zabbix 5.0 MANUAL》
    2 What is Zabbix Overview Users of Zabbix 2 What is Zabbix Overview Zabbix was created by Alexei Vladishev, and currently is actively developed and supported by Zabbix SIA....
  • 2 Zabbix proxy

    529 2021-04-18 《Zabbix 5.0 MANUAL》
    2 Zabbix proxy Overview Parameters 2 Zabbix proxy Overview This section lists parameters supported in a Zabbix proxy configuration file (zabbix_proxy.conf). Note that: Th...
  • 1 Zabbix server

    485 2021-04-18 《Zabbix 5.0 MANUAL》
    1 Zabbix server Overview Parameters Footnotes 1 Zabbix server Overview This section lists parameters supported in a Zabbix server configuration file (zabbix_server.conf). ...
  • 1 Zabbix agent

    2327 2021-03-05 《Zabbix v5.2 Manual》
    1 Zabbix agent Overview Supported item keys Footnotes Encoding settings Troubleshooting agent items 1 Zabbix agent Overview These checks use the communication with Zabbi...