书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 4163 个相关结果.
  • 5 Simple checks

    382 2023-05-03 《Zabbix v6.4 Manual》
    5 Simple checks Overview Supported simple checks Timeout processing ICMP pings 5 Simple checks Overview Simple checks are normally used for remote agent-less checks of serv...
  • 5 Simple checks

    333 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    5 Simple checks Overview Supported simple checks Timeout processing ICMP pings 5 Simple checks Overview Simple checks are normally used for remote agent-less checks of serv...
  • 5 Simple checks

    1816 2021-03-05 《Zabbix v5.2 Manual》
    5 Simple checks Overview Supported simple checks Timeout processing ICMP pings 5 Simple checks Overview Simple checks are normally used for remote agent-less checks of se...
  • 9 Web service

    9 Web service 概述 安装 9 Web service 概述 Zabbix web service 是一个用来连接外部网站服务的进程。现在,Zabbix web service 用来收集和发送定时报告,并且计划未来添加更多功能。 Zabbix server通过HTTP(s)连接到web服务。Zabbix web service要求谷...
  • Upgrade from packages

    319 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    Upgrade from packages Overview Zabbix packages from OS repositories Upgrade from packages Overview This section provides the steps required for a successful upgrade using of...
  • 3 Agent 2

    418 2021-03-05 《Zabbix v5.2 Manual》
    3 Agent 2 Overview Supported platforms Installation Options Runtime control Configuration file Exit codes 3 Agent 2 Overview Zabbix agent 2 is a new generation of Zabb...
  • 11 External checks

    328 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    11 External checks Overview Usage example External check result 11 External checks Overview External check is a check executed by Zabbix server by running a shell script or...
  • 11 External checks

    469 2021-04-18 《Zabbix 5.0 MANUAL》
    11 External checks Overview Usage example External check result 11 External checks Overview External check is a check executed by Zabbix server by running a shell script ...
  • 1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL

    320 2022-02-26 《Zabbix v6.0 Manual》
    1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL Installation Configuration 1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL Installation *** Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS **: ...
  • 1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL

    471 2021-04-18 《Zabbix 5.0 MANUAL》
    1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL Installation Configuration 1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL Installation Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS : # yum instal...