书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.007 秒,为您找到 644 个相关结果.
  • Unix Persons Guide to Powershell(英文)

    This e-book is intended as a 'Quick Start' guide to PowerShell for people who already know Bash or one of the other Unix shells.
  • Databricks Spark Reference Applications(英文)

    At Databricks, we are developing a set of reference applications that demonstrate how to use Apache Spark. This book/repo contains the reference applications.
  • Data Science at the Command Line

    Data science is an exciting field to work in. It’s also still very young. Unfortunately, many people, and especially companies, believe that you need new technology in order to tac...
  • Java For Small Teams(英文)

    This book is an attempt to capture what "good" Java code looks like and the practices that help produce it. This is a problematic document to write. There is no one right answer ...
  • Build our own React.js(英文)

    In this book/guide we build our own simplified version of React.js. We keep it simple but extensive enough to learn a lot of cool things about React.js and React.js-like libraries!...
  • CSS Animation 101

    This book gives you a solid introduction to the topic, combining theory with practical lessons. You’ll learn how, and why to use animation on your web pages and hopefully be inspir...
  • Interpretable Machine Learning

    Machine learning has great potential for improving products, processes and research. But computers usually do not explain their predictions which is a barrier to the adoption of ma...
  • 胡伟煌 Golang 学习笔记

    Go是Google开发的一种静态强类型、编译型、并发型,并具有垃圾回收功能的编程语言。 罗伯特·格瑞史莫,罗勃·派克及肯·汤普逊于2007年9月开始设计Go,稍后Ian Lance Taylor、Russ Cox加入项目。Go是基于Inferno操作系统所开发的。
  • Golang 开发笔记

    golang development notes,go语言开发笔记
  • Rxjs 5 ultimate(英文版)

    This book is meant to be starter as well as intermediate book for anyone starting out with Rxjs.