书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 644 个相关结果.
  • RubyFu(英文)

    This book is a great collection of ideas, tricks, and skills that could be useful for Hackers. It's a unique extraction reference, summarizes a lot of research and experience in or...
  • GoFrame v1.13 开发文档

    GF(Go Frame)是一款模块化、高性能、生产级的Go基础开发框架。实现了比较完善的基础设施建设以及开发工具链,提供了常用的基础开发模块,如:缓存、日志、队列、数组、集合、容器、定时器、命令行、内存锁、对象池、配置管理、资源管理、数据校验、数据编码、定时任务、数据库ORM、TCP/UDP组件、进程管理/通信等等。并提供了Web服务开发的系列核心组件,如:...
  • Golang 101 hacks(英文)

    This is an ongoing rudimentary Go programming language tutorial, and it will be updated non-periodically.
  • Golang 入坑之旅

    本教程由浅入深开始讲解Golang。 在阅读此教程时,不要求有过多的编程经验。 但为了有更好的阅读体验和实际效果,仍建议读者具备最基础的某种面向对象语言基础(最典型的比如Java),如果能懂一些操作系统方面的知识尤为更好(例如懂得设置环境变量,编写Shell脚本),在前两者基础之上,可以涉猎一些网络,读写IO方面的知识,那对于编写高质量的Golang应用就如...
  • TypeScript Deep Dive(英文)

    The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book
  • Golang 编程基础学习笔记

    跟随 @无闻 视频学习 Golang 编程基础的学习笔记
  • The Rust Programming Language(Rust v1.62)

    Welcome to The Rust Programming Language, an introductory book about Rust. The Rust programming language helps you write faster, more reliable software.
  • Mastering Ethereum

    Mastering Ethereum is a book for developers, offering a guide to the operation and use of the Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, RootStock (RSK) and other compatible EVM-based open blockc...
  • Heap Exploitation

    This short book is written for people who want to understand the internals of 'heap memory', particularly the implementation of glibc's 'malloc' and 'free' procedures, and also for...
  • Discovery

    This book is an introductory course on microcontroller-based embedded systems that uses Rust as the teaching language rather than the usual C/C++.