书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.019 秒,为您找到 2325 个相关结果.
  • Improved Array Capabilities

    Improved Array Capabilities Improved Array Capabilities The array is a foundational JavaScript object. But while other aspects of JavaScript have evolved over time, arrays rema...
  • …spread and …rest

    Spread Syntax (Spread Element) and Rest parameters Spread Syntax Rest parameter Spread Syntax (Spread Element) and Rest parameters A Spread syntax allows in-place expansion o...
  • 语法简写说明

    3942 2019-06-17 《Vuejs 中文教程》
    Vuejs 中的 ECMAScript let, var, 常量 与全局变量 导入代码: import 方便其他代码来使用自己: export default {..} ES中的简写 箭头函数 => hash中同名的 key, value的简写 分号可以省略 解构赋值 学习资料 Vuejs 中的 ECMAScript 对于稍微有一定...
  • @babel/parser

    @babel/parser Credits API babelParser.parse(code, [options]) babelParser.parseExpression(code, [options]) Options Output Semver Example Plugins Miscellaneous Language ext...
  • parser

    @babel/parser Credits API babelParser.parse(code, [options]) babelParser.parseExpression(code, [options]) Options Output Semver Example Plugins Miscellaneous Language ext...
  • 重新打造规范

    986 2020-10-08 《JavaScript 20 年》
    重新打造规范 重组规范结构 新的术语 新的语义种类 重新打造规范 使用可执行、可测试的规范来表达 ECMAScript 语义的愿望,从新版 ES4 的工作中延续了下来。但使用 ML 作为规范语言的尝试已经被放弃了。在 Harmony 工作的早期,Allen Wirfs-Brook [2009 ] 提出了通过「以 ES5 JavaScript 编...
  • Other String Changes

    Other String Changes Methods for Identifying Substrings The repeat() Method Other String Changes JavaScript strings have always lagged behind similar features of other langua...
  • Symbols and Symbol Properties

    Symbols and Symbol Properties Symbols and Symbol Properties Symbols are a primitive type introduced in ECMAScript 6, joining the existing primitive types: strings, numbers, boo...
  • Summary

    Summary Summary Prior to ECMAScript 6, certain objects (such as arrays) displayed nonstandard behavior that developers couldn’t replicate. Proxies change that. They let you def...
  • Own Property Enumeration Order

    Own Property Enumeration Order Own Property Enumeration Order ECMAScript 5 didn’t define the enumeration order of object properties, as it left this up to the JavaScript engine...