@babel/parser Credits API babelParser.parse(code, [options]) babelParser.parseExpression(code, [options]) Options Output Semver Example Plugins Miscellaneous Language ext...
2.1 Grammar Conventions 2.1 Grammar Conventions The syntactic grammar added by TypeScript language is specified throughout this document using the existing conventions and prod...
Chapter 1: Types A Type By Any Other Name… Chapter 1: Types Most developers would say that a dynamic language (like JS) does not have types. Let’s see what the ES5.1 specifica...
A Grammar A Grammar This appendix contains a summary of the grammar found in the main document. As described in section 2.1 , the TypeScript grammar is a superset of the gramma...
What are Proxies and Reflection? What are Proxies and Reflection? You can create a proxy to use in place of another object (called the target) by calling new Proxy() . The prox...