3D 3D Introduction to 3D Using 3D transforms 3D rendering limitations Spatial Material 3D lights and shadows Reflection probes GI Probes Baked lightmaps Environment an...
3D 3D Introduction to 3D Using 3D transforms 3D performance and limitations Spatial Material Lights and shadows Reflection probes GI Probes Baked lightmaps Environment...
3D 3D Introduction to 3D Using 3D transforms 3D rendering limitations Spatial Material 3D lights and shadows Reflection probes Using GIProbe Baked lightmaps Environmen...
3D Rendering Optimization Tools Up to date This page is up to date for Godot 4.1 . If you still find outdated information, please open an issue . 3D Introduction to 3D U...
3D 渲染 优化 工具 3D 3D 简介 使用 3D 变换 程序式几何体 3D 文本 渲染 3D 渲染的局限性 标准 3D 材质与 ORM 3D 材质 3D 灯光和阴影 使用贴花 物理灯光和相机单位 粒子系统(3D) 高动态范围光照 全局光照 环境和后期处理 体积雾和雾体积 3D 抗锯齿 优化 使用 M...