Shader Elements Shader Elements For programming shaders, Qt Quick provides two elements. The ShaderEffectSource and the ShaderEffect . The shader effect applies custom shaders ...
Using the ArrayMesh ArrayMesh Generating geometry Saving Using the ArrayMesh This tutorial will present the basics of using an ArrayMesh To do so, we will use the function...
Minimap, Micromap Minimap, Micromap Minimap is wide vertical bar near editor's right (default) or left side. To show it, set option "minimap_show", or use menu item "View / Tog...
使用 ArrayMesh ArrayMesh 生成几何体 保存 使用 ArrayMesh This tutorial will present the basics of using an ArrayMesh . 为此, 我们将使用函数 add_surface_from_arrays() , 它最多需要四个参数. 前两个参数是必须的, 后两个...