Connections Operation Buffering Options Callback Connection String Options A note about keepAlive Replica Set Connections Multi-mongos support Multiple connections Connecti...
FAQ FAQ Q . Why don’t my changes to arrays get saved when I update an element directly? doc . array [ 3 ] = 'changed' ; doc . save (); A . Mongoose doesn’t create get...
Plugins Global Plugins Community! Next Up Plugins Schemas are pluggable, that is, they allow for applying pre-packaged capabilities to extend their functionality. This is a ...
Testing Mongoose with Jest Recommended testEnvironment Timer Mocks globalSetup and globalTeardown Further Reading Testing Mongoose with Jest Sponsor #native_company# ...
Getting Started Congratulations Getting Started First be sure you have MongoDB and Node.js installed. Next install Mongoose from the command line using npm : $ npm install...
MongoDB Server Version Compatibility MongoDB Server Version Compatibility Mongoose relies on the MongoDB Node.js Driver to talk to MongoDB. You can refer to this table for up...
Getters/Setters in Mongoose Getters Setters Differences vs ES6 Getters/Setters Getters/Setters in Mongoose Sponsor #native_company# — #native_desc# Mongoose getters and se...
Custom Casting Custom Casting Mongoose 5.4.0 introduced several ways to configure SchemaTypes globally . One of these new features is the SchemaType.cast() function , which en...
MongoDB Server Version Compatibility Further Reading MongoDB Server Version Compatibility Mongoose relies on the MongoDB Node.js Driver to talk to MongoDB. You can refer to th...