Rooms Joining and leaving Default room Sample use cases Disconnection Sending messages from the outside-world Rooms Within each Namespace , you can define arbitrary channel...
Logging and debugging Available debugging scopes Removing debug from your browser bundle Logging and debugging Socket.IO is now completely instrumented by a minimalistic yet t...
性能优化 通过Socket.IO调节 安装 ws 本机插件 使用另一个 WebSocket 服务器实现 使用自定义解析器 通过系统调节 性能优化 以下是一些提高 Socket.IO 服务器性能的技巧: 通过Socket.IO调节 通过系统调节 You might also be interested in scaling to m...
How it works Engine.IO Transports HTTP long-polling WebSocket Handshake Upgrade mechanism Disconnection detection Socket.IO How it works The bidirectional channel betwee...
Handling CORS Configuration Troubleshooting Handling CORS Configuration As of Socket.IO v2, the server will automatically add the necessary headers in order to support Cross-...
Real-time APIs Using the transport Channels A messages API Using the API What’s next? Real-time APIs In the services chapter we saw that Feathers services automatically s...