IO io.protocol io([url][, options]) IO Exposed as the io namespace in the standalone build, or the result of calling require("") . <script src = "/socket.i...
处理 CORS 配置 故障排除 缺少 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Origin” 如果 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”为“*”,则不支持凭据 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”中预期为“true” 处理 CORS 配置 从...
Introduction What Socket.IO is How does that work? What Socket.IO is not Minimal working example To send an event from the server to the client To send a message from the clien...
Introduction What Socket.IO is How does that work? What Socket.IO is not Minimal working example To send an event from the server to the client To send a message from the clien...
Rooms Joining and leaving Default room Sample use cases Disconnection Sending messages from the outside-world Rooms Within each Namespace , you can define arbitrary channel...
Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter How it works Supported features Installation Usage Options Latest releases Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter How it works This adapter uses Google...
Handling CORS Configuration Troubleshooting Handling CORS Configuration Since Socket.IO v3, you need to explicitly enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). const io =...
Troubleshooting connection issues Problem: the socket is not able to connect You are trying to reach a plain WebSocket server The server is not reachable The client is not compat...