书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.050 秒,为您找到 415 个相关结果.
  • IO

    IO io.protocol io([url][, options]) IO Exposed as the io namespace in the standalone build, or the result of calling require("socket.io-client") . <script src = "/socket.i...
  • 处理 CORS

    处理 CORS 配置 故障排除 缺少 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Origin” 如果 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”为“*”,则不支持凭据 CORS 标头“Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”中预期为“true” 处理 CORS 配置 从...
  • Introduction

    Introduction What Socket.IO is How does that work? What Socket.IO is not Minimal working example To send an event from the server to the client To send a message from the clien...
  • Introduction

    Introduction What Socket.IO is How does that work? What Socket.IO is not Minimal working example To send an event from the server to the client To send a message from the clien...
  • Rooms

    Rooms Joining and leaving Default room Sample use cases Disconnection Sending messages from the outside-world Rooms Within each Namespace , you can define arbitrary channel...
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter

    Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter How it works Supported features Installation Usage Options Latest releases Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter How it works This adapter uses Google...
  • Handling CORS

    Handling CORS Configuration Troubleshooting Handling CORS Configuration Since Socket.IO v3, you need to explicitly enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). const io =...
  • WebSocket

    WebSocket 开启 WebSocket 事件到 Action 的映射 Action 处理 emit broadcast socket 对象 事件数据 socket.io io 对象 设置 path 设置 adapter socket.io client 校验用户登录 聊天代码示例 SockJS 配置 sockjs 对象 ...
  • Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting connection issues Problem: the socket is not able to connect You are trying to reach a plain WebSocket server The server is not reachable The client is not compat...
  • 客户端配置

    客户端配置 IO factory options forceNew multiplex Low-level engine options transports upgrade rememberUpgrade path query extraHeaders withCredentials forceBase64 tim...