Function Types Notational conventions Function Types Function types are written (x : A) → B , or in the case of non-dependent functions simply A → B . For instance, the type of...
Function Definitions Introduction General form Special patterns Dot patterns Absurd patterns As-patterns Case trees Function Definitions Introduction A function is defin...
Automatic Proof Search (Auto) Usage Case split Equality reasoning Hints Timeout Listing and choosing among several solutions Disproving Auto refine / suggest Dependencies be...
Automatic Proof Search (Auto) Usage Case split Equality reasoning Hints Timeout Listing and choosing among several solutions Disproving Auto refine / suggest Dependencies be...
Rewriting Rewrite rules by example Overlapping pattern matching More examples General shape of rewrite rules Confluence checking Advanced usage Rewriting Rewrite rules all...
Rewriting Rewrite rules by example Overlapping pattern matching More examples General shape of rewrite rules Confluence checking Advanced usage Rewriting Rewrite rules all...
Guarded Cubical References Guarded Cubical Note This is a stub. Option --guarded extends Cubical Agda with Nakano’s later modality and guarded recursion based on Ticked Cubi...
Irrelevance Motivating example Irrelevant function types What can be done to irrelevant arguments What can’t be done to irrelevant arguments Irrelevant declarations Irrelevant...
Two-Level Type Theory Basics Two-Level Type Theory Basics Two-level type theory (2LTT) refers to versions of Martin-Löf type theory that combine two type theories: one “inner”...
Termination Checking Primitive recursion Structural recursion With-functions Pragmas and Options References Termination Checking Not all recursive functions are permitted -...