Function Types Notational conventions Function Types Function types are written (x : A) → B , or in the case of non-dependent functions simply A → B . For instance, the type of...
Function Types Notational conventions Function Types Function types are written (x : A) → B , or in the case of non-dependent functions simply A → B . For instance, the type of...
Language Reference Language Reference Abstract definitions Synopsis Examples Scope of abstraction Abstract definitions with where-blocks Built-ins Using the built-in ty...
Rewriting Rewrite rules by example Overlapping pattern matching More examples General shape of rewrite rules Confluence checking Advanced usage Rewriting Rewrite rules all...
Rewriting Rewrite rules by example Overlapping pattern matching More examples General shape of rewrite rules Confluence checking Advanced usage Rewriting Rewrite rules all...
Rewriting Rewrite rules by example Overlapping pattern matching More examples General shape of rewrite rules Confluence checking Advanced usage Rewriting Rewrite rules all...
Lossy Unification Heuristic Example Drawbacks References Lossy Unification The option --lossy-unification enables an experimental heuristic in the unification checker inten...