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  • Script a trigger

    1156 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Tutorial: Script a trigger Note 1. Create a bouncing ball 2. Set the restitution 3. Add a trigger 4. Give the trigger a model 5. Position the trigger 6. Change the sphere si...
  • Skyboxes and backgrounds

    973 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Skyboxes and backgrounds Note Cubemaps Create a cubemap in Game Studio Tip 360° panoramic textures Note Add a cubemap or 360° panoramic texture to the project Create a skybo...
  • Spatialized audio

    726 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Spatialized audio Note Enable spatialized audio Note See also Spatialized audio BeginnerDesignerProgrammer Spatialized audio , also called 3D audio , simulates three-dimen...
  • Effects and shaders

    622 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Effects and shaders Load an effect Shaders Effects Target everything In this section Effects and shaders Xenko uses a programmable shading pipeline. You can write custom s...
  • Effects and shaders

    668 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Effects and shaders Load an effect Shaders Effects Target everything In this section Effects and shaders Xenko uses a programmable shading pipeline. You can write custom s...
  • Clear-coat shading

    534 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Clear-coat shading Add a clear-coat material Note Properties Reduce tiling and artifacts XenkoClearCoatMetalFlakesNM Note See also Clear-coat shading IntermediateArtistP...
  • Keyboards

    500 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.0 manual》
    Keyboards Check keyboard availability Get key states Note Get key events Example code See also Keyboards BeginnerProgrammer The keyboard is the most common input device...
  • Events

    484 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Events Note Create and broadcast an event Create a receiver See also Events IntermediateProgrammer Events facilitate communication between scripts. They work one-way, bro...
  • Render features

    618 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Render features Render phases Collect Extract Note Prepare Draw Example Pipeline processors See also Render features A RenderFeature is responsible for drawing a give...
  • Shapes

    494 2019-10-03 《Xenko v3.1 manual》
    Particle shapes Billboards Hexagon Quads Direction-aligned sprite Ribbons and trails See also Particle shapes BeginnerArtistProgrammer Because particles are essentially ...