Tutorial: Script a trigger Note 1. Create a bouncing ball 2. Set the restitution 3. Add a trigger 4. Give the trigger a model 5. Position the trigger 6. Change the sphere si...
Skyboxes and backgrounds Note Cubemaps Create a cubemap in Game Studio Tip 360° panoramic textures Note Add a cubemap or 360° panoramic texture to the project Create a skybo...
Spatialized audio Note Enable spatialized audio Note See also Spatialized audio BeginnerDesignerProgrammer Spatialized audio , also called 3D audio , simulates three-dimen...
Effects and shaders Load an effect Shaders Effects Target everything In this section Effects and shaders Xenko uses a programmable shading pipeline. You can write custom s...
Effects and shaders Load an effect Shaders Effects Target everything In this section Effects and shaders Xenko uses a programmable shading pipeline. You can write custom s...
Clear-coat shading Add a clear-coat material Note Properties Reduce tiling and artifacts XenkoClearCoatMetalFlakesNM Note See also Clear-coat shading IntermediateArtistP...
Keyboards Check keyboard availability Get key states Note Get key events Example code See also Keyboards BeginnerProgrammer The keyboard is the most common input device...
Events Note Create and broadcast an event Create a receiver See also Events IntermediateProgrammer Events facilitate communication between scripts. They work one-way, bro...
Render features Render phases Collect Extract Note Prepare Draw Example Pipeline processors See also Render features A RenderFeature is responsible for drawing a give...
Particle shapes Billboards Hexagon Quads Direction-aligned sprite Ribbons and trails See also Particle shapes BeginnerArtistProgrammer Because particles are essentially ...