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  • Random

    Random Random Generators Combining Generators Random So far we have only seen commands to make HTTP requests, but we can command other things as well, like generating random ...
  • Reading Types

    Reading Types Primitives and Lists Functions Type Annotations Type Variables Constrained Type Variables Reading Types In the Core Language section of this book, we went t...
  • 5.3 组件Vnode渲染真实DOM

    1548 2019-11-04 《深入剖析Vue源码》
    5.3 组件Vnode渲染真实DOM 5.3.1 真实节点渲染流程图 5.3.2 具体流程分析 5.3 组件Vnode渲染真实DOM 根据前面的分析,不管是全局注册的组件还是局部注册的组件,组件并没有进行实例化,那么组件实例化的过程发生在哪个阶段呢?我们接着看Vnode tree 渲染真实DOM 的过程。 5.3.1 真实节点渲染流程图 ...
  • Types as Sets

    Types as Sets Sets Cardinality Multiplication (Tuples and Records) Addition (Custom Types) Who Cares? Aside on Language Design Types as Sets We have seen primitive types ...
  • Navigation

    Navigation Multiple Pages Single Page Example UrlRequest LinkClicked UrlChanged Navigation We just saw how to serve one page, but say we are making a website like pack...
  • Video 视频

    Video 视频 基本用法 自动播放 初始化静音 视频封面海报设置 行内播放 视频背景图 视频切换 Prop Event Video 视频 视频播放器 基本用法 <nut-video : sources = "sources" : options = "options" @ play = "play" ...
  • More

    More About User Input More About User Input We only covered buttons and text fields, but there are other crazier inputs that you will need eventually. So if you want to see ex...
  • 8.2 创建Vnode

    8.2 创建Vnode 8.2 创建Vnode Vnode 这个类在之前章节已经分析过源码,本质上是用一个对象去描述一个真实的DOM 元素,简易版关注点在于元素的tag 标签,元素的属性集合data ,元素的子节点children ,text 为元素的文本节点,简单的描述类如下: class VNode { constructor ...