书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.034 秒,为您找到 230 个相关结果.
  • Time

    Time Time.Posix and Time.Zone subscriptions Task.perform Time Now we are going to make a digital clock. (Analog will be an exercise!) So far we have focused on commands...
  • Modules

    Modules Defining Modules Growing Modules Using Modules Modules Elm has modules to help you grow your codebase in a nice way. On the most basic level, modules let you break ...
  • JSON

    JSON JSON JSON Decoders Building Blocks Nesting Decoders Combining Decoders Next Steps JSON We just saw an example that uses HTTP to get the content of a book. That is gr...
  • HTTP

    HTTP Clone the code or follow along in the online editor . Phase One - The Bare Minimum Phase Two - Adding the Cool Stuff HTTP Clone the code or follow along in the o...
  • patch

    1262 2018-12-10 《Vue.js 技术揭秘》
    patch createComponent 总结 patch 通过前一章的分析我们知道,当我们通过 createComponent 创建了组件 VNode,接下来会走到 vm.update ,执行 vm._patch 去把 VNode 转换成真正的 DOM 节点。这个过程我们在前一章已经分析过了,但是针对一个普通的 VNode 节点,接下来我...
  • Release Notes: 3.0.0

    Docker Plug-ins API Clients Ada C C++ Clojure Dart Elixir Elm Erlang Go Haskell Kotlin Lua Java JavaScript/NodeJS Objective-C PHP Python R Ruby Rust Scala Sw...
  • Custom Types

    Custom Types Messages Modeling Note: Custom types used to be referred to as “union types” in Elm. Names from other communities include tagged unions and ADTs . Custom T...
  • Error Handling

    Error Handling Error Handling One of the guarantees of Elm is that you will not see runtime errors in practice. This is partly because Elm treats errors as data . Rather than c...
  • Virtual DOM

    1599 2018-12-10 《Vue.js 技术揭秘》
    Virtual DOM 总结 Virtual DOM Virtual DOM 这个概念相信大部分人都不会陌生,它产生的前提是浏览器中的 DOM 是很“昂贵"的,为了更直观的感受,我们可以简单的把一个简单的 div 元素的属性都打印出来,如图所示:可以看到,真正的 DOM 元素是非常庞大的,因为浏览器的标准就把 DOM 设计的非常复杂。当我们频繁的去...
  • 4.2 Vnode

    1299 2019-11-04 《深入剖析Vue源码》
    4.2 Vnode 4.2.1 Vnode构造函数 4.2.2 创建Vnode注释节点 4.2.3 创建Vnode文本节点 4.2.4 克隆vnode 4.2 Vnode Vue 在渲染机制的优化上,同样引进了virtual dom 的概念,它是用Vnode 这个构造函数去描述一个DOM 节点。 4.2.1 Vnode构造函数 var ...