Deployment Diagram 部署图

Declaring element 基本元素

  1. @startuml
    actor actor
    agent agent
    artifact artifact
    boundary boundary
    card card
    cloud cloud
    component component
    control control
    database database
    entity entity
    file file
    folder folder
    frame frame
    interface interface
    node node
    package package
    queue queue
    stack stack
    rectangle rectangle
    storage storage
    usecase usecase

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图1

You can optionaly put text using bracket [] for a long description.

你可以通过 [] 包裹方式填充更多详细信息。

  1. @startuml
    folder folder [

  2. This is a <b>folder

    You can use separator

    of different kind
    and style

  3. node node [

  4. This is a <b>node

    You can use separator

    of different kind
    and style

  5. database database [

  6. This is a <b>database

    You can use separator

    of different kind
    and style

  7. usecase usecase [

  8. This is a <b>usecase

    You can use separator

    of different kind
    and style

  9. @enduml

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图2

Linking 链接

You can create simple links between elements with or without labels:


  1. @startuml

  2. node node1
    node node2
    node node3
    node node4
    node node5
    node1 node2 : label1
    node1 .. node3 : label2
    node1 ~~ node4 : label3
    node1 == node5

  3. @enduml

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图3

It is possible to use several types of links:


  1. @startuml

  2. artifact artifact1
    artifact artifact2
    artifact artifact3
    artifact artifact4
    artifact artifact5
    artifact artifact6
    artifact artifact7
    artifact artifact8
    artifact artifact9
    artifact artifact10
    artifact1 —> artifact2
    artifact1 —* artifact3
    artifact1 o artifact4
    artifact1 —+ artifact5
    artifact1 —# artifact6
    artifact1 —>> artifact7
    artifact1 0 artifact8
    artifact1 —^ artifact9
    artifact1 —(0 artifact10

  3. @enduml

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图4

You can also have the following types:

  1. @startuml

  2. cloud cloud1
    cloud cloud2
    cloud cloud3
    cloud cloud4
    cloud cloud5
    cloud1 -0- cloud2
    cloud1 -0)- cloud3
    cloud1 -(0- cloud4
    cloud1 -(0)- cloud5

  3. @enduml

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图5

Packages 包

There is a limit of three levels.

包最大限制是 3 级。

  1. @startuml
    artifact Foo1 {
    folder Foo2

  2. folder Foo3 {
    artifact Foo4

  3. frame Foo5 {
    database Foo6

  4. cloud vpc {
    node ec2 {
    stack stack

  5. @enduml

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图6

  1. @startuml
    node Foo1 {
    cloud Foo2

  2. cloud Foo3 {
    frame Foo4

  3. database Foo5 {
    storage Foo6

  4. storage Foo7 {
    storage Foo8

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图7

Round corner 圆角

  1. @startuml
    skinparam rectangle {
    roundCorner<<Concept>> 25

  2. rectangle "Concept Model" <<Concept>> {
    rectangle "Example 1" <<Concept>> as ex1
    rectangle "Another rectangle"

Deployment Diagram 部署图 - 图8


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