Moving VDisks

Move a VDisk from a block store volume

To move a VDisk from a block store volume, log in to the node via SSH and run the command:

  1. kikimr admin bs config invoke --proto 'Command { ReassignGroupDisk { GroupId: <Storage group ID> GroupGeneration: <Storage group generation> FailRealmIdx: <FailRealm> FailDomainIdx: <FailDomain> VDiskIdx: <Slot number> } }'

Moving VDisks - 图1

You can find the parameters for the command in the viewer (link).

Move VDisks from a broken/missing block store volume

If SelfHeal is disabled or fails to move VDisks, you’ll have to run this operation manually.

  1. Make sure that the VDisk has actually failed.

    Write down the node’s FQDN, ic-port, VDisk path, and pdisk-id

  2. Go to any cluster node

  3. Move the VDisk

    1. kikimr admin bs config invoke --proto 'Command { UpdateDriveStatus { HostKey: { Fqdn: "<host>" IcPort: <ic-port>} Path: "<Path to the storage volume part label>" PDiskId: <pdisk-id> Status: BROKEN } }'

    Moving VDisks - 图2

Enable the VDisk back after reassignment

  1. In Monitoring, make sure that the PDisk is actually operable

    Write down the node’s FQDN, ic-port, store path, and pdisk-id

  2. Go to any cluster node

  3. Enable the PDisk back

    1. kikimr admin bs config invoke --proto 'Command { UpdateDriveStatus { HostKey: { Fqdn: "<host>" IcPort: <ic-port>} Path: "<Path to the storage volume part label>" PDiskId: <pdisk-id> Status: ACTIVE } }'

    Moving VDisks - 图3