
The Ip module supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. By default, they are represented as binary strings of 4 and 16 bytes, respectively.

List of functions

  • Ip::FromString(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String? - From a human-readable representation to a binary representation.
  • Ip::ToString(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String? - From a binary representation to a human-readable representation.
  • Ip::IsIPv4(String?) -> Bool
  • Ip::IsIPv6(String?) -> Bool
  • Ip::IsEmbeddedIPv4(String?) -> Bool
  • Ip::ConvertToIPv6(String{Flags:AutoMap}) -> String: IPv6 remains unchanged, and IPv4 becomes embedded in IPv6
  • Ip::GetSubnet(String{Flags:AutoMap}, [Uint8?]) -> String: The second argument is the subnet size, by default it’s 24 for IPv4 and 64 for IPv6


  1. SELECT Ip::IsEmbeddedIPv4(
  2. Ip::FromString("::ffff:")
  3. ); -- true
  5. Ip::ToString(
  6. Ip::GetSubnet(
  7. Ip::FromString("")
  8. )
  9. ); -- ""

Ip - 图1