Page Options

--allow <path> Allow the file or files from the specified folder to be loaded (repeatable)

--background Do print background (default)

--no-background Do not print background

--bypass-proxy-for <value> Bypass proxy for host (repeatable)

--cache-dir <path> Web cache directory

--checkbox-checked-svg <path> Use this SVG file when rendering checked checkboxes

--checkbox-svg <path> Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked checkboxes

--cookie <name> <value> Set an additional cookie (repeatable), value should be url encoded.

--custom-header <name> <value> Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)

--custom-header-propagation Add HTTP headers specified by

--custom-header for each resource request.

--no-custom-header-propagation Do not add HTTP headers specified by

--custom-header for each resource request.

--debug-javascript Show javascript debugging output

--no-debug-javascript Do not show javascript debugging output (default)

--default-header Add a default header, with the name of the page to the left, and the page number to the right, this is short for:
--top 2cm --header-line

--encoding <encoding> Set the default text encoding, for input

--disable-external-links Do not make links to remote web pages

--enable-external-links Make links to remote web pages (default)

--disable-forms Do not turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields (default)

--enable-forms Turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields

--images Do load or print images (default)

--no-images Do not load or print images

--disable-internal-links Do not make local links

--enable-internal-links Make local links (default)

-n, --disable-javascript Do not allow web pages to run javascript

--enable-javascript Do allow web pages to run javascript (default)

--javascript-delay <msec> Wait some milliseconds for javascript finish (default 200)

--keep-relative-links Keep relative external links as relative external links

--load-error-handling <handler> Specify how to handle pages that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default abort)

--load-media-error-handling <handler> Specify how to handle media files that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default ignore)

--disable-local-file-access Do not allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files, unless explicitly allowed with —allow

--enable-local-file-access Allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files. (default)

--minimum-font-size <int> Minimum font size

--exclude-from-outline Do not include the page in the table of contents and outlines

--include-in-outline Include the page in the table of contents and outlines (default)

--page-offset <offset> Set the starting page number (default 0)

--password <password> HTTP Authentication password

--disable-plugins Disable installed plugins (default)

--enable-plugins Enable installed plugins (plugins will likely not work)

--post-file <name> <path> Post an additional file (repeatable)

--print-media-type Use print media-type instead of screen

--no-print-media-type Do not use print media-type instead of screen (default)

-p, --proxy <proxy> Use a proxy

--radiobutton-checked-svg <path> Use this SVG file when rendering checked radiobuttons

--radiobutton-svg <path> Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked radiobuttons

--resolve-relative-links Resolve relative external links into absolute links (default)

--run-script <js> Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable)

--disable-smart-shrinking Disable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant

--enable-smart-shrinking Enable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant (default)

--stop-slow-scripts Stop slow running javascripts (default)

--no-stop-slow-scripts Do not Stop slow running javascripts

--disable-toc-back-links Do not link from section header to toc (default)

--enable-toc-back-links Link from section header to toc

--user-style-sheet <url> Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page

--username <username> HTTP Authentication username

--viewport-size <> Set viewport size if you have custom scrollbars or css attribute overflow to emulate window size

--window-status <windowStatus> Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page

--zoom <float> Use this zoom factor (default 1)