
web2py comes with a Database Abstraction Layer (DAL), an API that maps Python objects into database objects such as queries, tables, and records. The DAL dynamically generates the SQL in real time using the specified dialect for the database back end, so that you do not have to write SQL code or learn different SQL dialects (the term SQL is used generically), and the application will be portable among different types of databases. A partial list of supported databases is show in the table below. Please check on the web2py web site and mailing list for more recent adapters. Google NoSQL is treated as a particular case in Chapter 13.

The Gotchas section at the end of this chapter has some more information about specific databases.

The Windows binary distribution works out of the box with SQLite, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL. The Mac binary distribution works out of the box with SQLite. To use any other database back-end, run from the source distribution and install the appropriate driver for the required back end.

Once the proper driver is installed, start web2py from source, and it will find the driver. Here is a list of the drivers web2py can use:

databasedrivers (source)
SQLitesqlite3 or pysqlite2 or zxJDBC [zxjdbc] (on Jython)
PostgreSQLpsycopg2 [psycopg2] or zxJDBC [zxjdbc] (on Jython)
MySQLpymysql [pymysql] or MySQLdb [mysqldb]
Oraclecx_Oracle [cxoracle]
MSSQLpyodbc [pyodbc] or pypyodbc[pypyodbc]
FireBirdkinterbasdb [kinterbasdb] or fdb or pyodbc
DB2pyodbc [pyodbc]
Informixinformixdb [informixdb]
Ingresingresdbi [ingresdbi]
Cubridcubriddb [cubridb]
SybaseSybase [Sybase]
Teradatapyodbc [Teradata]
MongoDBpymongo [pymongo]
IMAPimaplib [IMAP]

sqlite3, pymysql, and imaplib ship with web2py. Support of MongoDB is experimental. The IMAP option allows to use DAL to access IMAP.