
  1. nums := [1, 2, 3]
  2. println(nums)
  3. println(nums[1]) // ==> "2"
  4. mut names := ['John']
  5. names << 'Peter'
  6. names << 'Sam'
  7. // names << 10 <-- This will not compile. `names` is an array of strings.
  8. println(names.len) // ==> "3"
  9. println('Alex' in names) // ==> "false"
  10. // We can also preallocate a certain amount of elements.
  11. nr_ids := 50
  12. mut ids := [0 ; nr_ids] // This creates an array with 50 zeroes

数组的第一个元素决定来数组的类型,比如[1, 2, 3]对应整数类型的数组[]int。而['a', 'b']对应字符串数组[]string

数组中的每个元素必须有相同的类型,比如[1, 'a']将不能编译。



val in array表达式判断val值是否是在数组中。