Log encoders
uWSGI 1.9.16 got the “log encoding” feature.
An encoder receives a logline and give back a “transformation” of it.
Encoders can be added by plugins, and can be enabled in chain (the output of an encoder will be the input of the following one and so on).
- [uwsgi]
- ; send logs to udp address
- logger = socket:
- ; before sending a logline to the logger encode it in gzip
- log-encoder = gzip
- ; after gzip add a 'clear' prefix to easy decode
- log-encoder = prefix i am gzip encoded
- ...
with this configuration the log server will receive the “i am gzip encoded” string followed by the tru log message encoded in gzip
The log encoder syntax is the following:
log-encoder = <encoder>[ args]
so args (if any) are separated by a single space
Request logs VS stdout/stderr
The –log-encoder option encodes only the stdout/stderr logs.
If you want to encode request logs to use –log-req-encoder:
- [uwsgi]
- ; send request logs to udp address
- req-logger = socket:
- ; before sending a logline to the logger encode it in gzip
- log-req-encoder = gzip
- ; after gzip add a 'clear' prefix to easy decode
- log-req-encoder = prefix i am gzip encoded
- ...
Routing encoders
Log routing allows sending each logline to a different log engine based on regexps. You can use the same system with encoders too:
- [uwsgi]
- ; by default send logs to udp address
- logger = socket:
- ; an alternative logger using the same address
- logger = secondlogger socket:
- ; use 'secondlogger' for the logline containing 'uWSGI'
- log-route = secondlogger uWSGI
- ; before sending a logline to the 'secondlogger' logger encode it in gzip
- log-encoder = gzip:secondlogger
- ...
Core encoders
The following encoders are available in the uwsgi ‘core’:
add a raw prefix to each log msg
add a raw suffix to each log msg
add a newline char to each log msg
compress each msg with gzip (requires zlib)
compress each msg with zlib compress (requires zlib)
apply the specified format to each log msg:
- [uwsgi]
- ...
- log-encoder = format [FOO ${msg} BAR]
- ...
like format
but each variable is json escaped
- [uwsgi]
- ...
- log-encoder = json {"unix":${unix}, "msg":"${msg}"}
- ...
The following variables (for format and json) are available:
the raw log message (newline stripped)
the raw log message (with newline)
the current unix time
the current unix time in microseconds
strftime using the xxx format:
- [uwsgi]
- ...
- ; we need to escape % to avoid magic vars nameclash
- log-encoder = json {"unix":${unix}, "msg":"${msg}", "date":"${strftime:%%d/%%m/%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S}"}
- ...
The msgpack encoder
This is the first log-encoder plugin officially added to uWSGI sources. It allows encoding of loglines in msgpack (http://msgpack.org/) format.
The syntax is pretty versatile as it has been developed for adding any information to a single packet
log-encoder = msgpack <format>
format is pretty complex as it is a list of the single items in the whole packet.
For example if you want to encode the {‘foo’:’bar’, ‘test’:17} dictionary you need to read it as:
a map of 2 items | the string foo | the string bar | the string test | the integer 17
for a total of 5 items.
A more complex structure {‘boo’:30, ‘foo’:’bar’, ‘test’: [1,3,3,17.30,nil,true,false]}
will be
a map of 3 items | the string boo | the number 30| the string foo| the string bar | the string test | an array of 7 items | the integer 1 | the integer 3 | the integer 3 | the float 17.30 | a nil | a true | a false
The <format> string is a representation of this way:
- map:2|str:foo|str:bar|str:test|int:17
The pipe is the seprator of each item. The string before the colon is the type of item, followed by the optional argument
The following item types are supported:
a dictionary, the argument is the number of items
an array, the argument is the number of items
a string, the argument is the string itself
a byte array, the argument is the binary stream itself
an integer, the argument is the number
a float, the argument is the number
boolean TRUE
boolean FALSE
in addition to msgpack types, a series of dynamic types are available:
translate the logline to a msgpack string with newline chopped
translate the logline to a msgpack byte array with newline chopped
translate the logline to a msgpack string (newline included)
translate the logline to a msgpack byte array (newline included)
translate to an integer of the unix time
translate to an integer of the unix time in microseconds
translate to a string using strftime syntax. The strftime format is the argument
As an example you can send logline to a logstash server via udp:
(logstash debug configuration):
- input {
- udp {
- codec => msgpack {}
- port => 1717
- }
- }
- output {
- stdout { debug => true }
- elasticsearch { embedded => true }
- }
- [uwsgi]
- logger = socket:
- log-encoder = msgpack map:4|str:message|msg|str:hostname|str:%h|str:version|str:%V|str:appname|str:myapp
- ...
this will generate the following structure:
- {
- "message": "*** Starting uWSGI 1.9.16-dev-29d80ce (64bit) on [Sat Sep 7 15:04:32 2013] ***",
- "hostname": "unbit.it",
- "version": "1.9.16-dev",
- "appname": "myapp"
- }
that will be stored in elasticsearch
Encoders automatically enable –log-master
For best performance consider allocating a thread for log sending with –threaded-logger